Women In Wellies

The Women In Wellies project will create opportunities for women in farming, agriculture, and horticulture to come together, meet socially, and develop peer support relationships while also creating opportunities for LRSN to provide health and wellbeing support. The sessions will be led by one of the LRSN nurses, who will offer health screening checks alongside a focus on delivering health information, awareness raising, and supporting improved wellbeing. 

Come along to one of the following Women In Wellies events, we'd love to see you there...

27 February - Breathe with Steve 9.30am-12.30pm Uncle Henry's Farm Shop, Grayingham

Steve Ward is a counselor and therapist based in Louth, he specialises in anxiety/depression and low self-esteem. As part of his practice, Steve uses a blend of many different techniques including NLP, Buteyko breathing, and CBT to help his clients. During this session, Steve will be focusing on Buteyko breathing and NLP to help you relax in the moment and develop techniques to help you in the future. Click here to book

29 April - What horses teach us about being human 10.30am-1pm, South Cottage, Legsby

Join Heidi and her equine friends for a morning of simple exercises around emotional intelligence and mind-body connections. Come along and spend the morning with the horses, you can get involved no matter how much experience you have with horses. Click here to book

22 May - Wild medicine walk 9.30-12.30 Jenny's Wood, Wyberton

Come for a walk through the woods with Fenland Natural Health and find out which plants and flowers have medicinal qualities. Join our Women in Wellies team for a spot of gentle exercise before indulging in a piece of cake and a well-being chat. Click here to book  

13 August - River dipping in the river Bain 11.00-1.00 River Bain, Horncastle

Whether you come alone or bring the kids, this event is perfect for everyone. River dipping is a fascinating activity that allows you to explore the rich aquatic life in rivers. It involves wading into shallow parts of a river and using nets or other tools to catch and observe various aquatic creatures, such as fish and macroinvertebrates.

Looking for macroinvertebrates, like mayfly nymphs, caddisfly larvae, and stonefly nymphs, is a great way to monitor water quality. These creatures are sensitive to pollution and changes in their environment, making them excellent indicators of river health. By observing the presence and abundance of these species, we can assess water quality and detect any potential issues.

It’s a fun hands-on activity and an opportunity to learn about the ecosystem and the species that call the river home. Click here to book


The Women In Wellies Project is funded by


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Women In Wellies

  • Bringing women in agriculture and horticulture together socially
  • Offering access to tailored health and wellbeing support
  • Giving the chance to learn a new skill or hear from a range of interesting speakers

...always with plenty of fun and cake!

Talk to us on our helpline:

0800 138 1710